
Fabricator, in a Cramped Room: Interview with Artist Irene Ailin Wang

New York artist Irene Ailin Wang held a solo exhibition “Fabricator, in a Cramped Room” at 360 SPACE on May 20th, presenting her perspective on the social issues that modern women encounter through her usage of 3D rendering techniques. The exhibition delves into the serious challenges and struggles faced by many women in a society that limits their potential and suppresses their voices.

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Diamonds Beyond Boundaries: Interview with Zulu Ghevriya

Zulu Ghevriya co-founded Smiling Rocks with a mission that goes beyond merely offering lab-grown diamond jewelry. The brand is dedicated to providing socially responsible jewelry with a larger purpose. At the heart of this diamond and jewelry brand is the commitment to delivering luxury diamond jewelry through sustainable and environmentally conscious practices. Smiling Rocks achieves this by crafting lab-grown diamond jewelry designed to stand the test of time. Explore the impact that sustainable, lab-grown diamond jewelry can have on the world, all while preserving the luxury and delight associated with precious jewelry. In this interview, Zulu Ghevriya shares insights into his journey of establishing a brand in the jewelry industry and much more.